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Sunday, October 26, 2008

About Melilea

Melilea International is now the youngest and fastest growing network marketing company in the region, with more than 400,000 distributors and accumulative turnover exceeding RM550 million.

Melilea International as pillars of success are its range of superior organic products, a solid company built on ethical principles, an effective training system and a highly rewarding marketing plan.

It champions and upholds the philosophy of Transforming Lives and has won numerous accolades as the Brand that Transforms Health, Beauty, Happiness and Success.

Under the inspiring guidance and mentorship of Melilea International Founder-Group Chairman, Datuk Dr Alan Wong (DMSM), Executive President, Datin Dr Stella K.Y. Chin and Father of Organic Theory Dr Henry Chang, the health and beauty of millions of customers have indeed been transformed

About Melilea Organic Food

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Kata-kata Hikmah..! Jelang Pemilu, Jangan Golput ! Di Pemilu 2009